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Virginia's Heartland
Chesapeake Bay Watershed Implementation Plan
Provides Project Administration of Planning Projects

Chesapeake Bay Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP)

The WIP was formulated under the Office of the Virginia Secretary of Natural Resources, through the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to achieve nutrient and sediment reductions needed to restore the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries. Over the past several decades, multiple efforts by local governments, state and federal programs and the private sector including conservation groups and other non-governmental organizations, farmers, landowners, consultants, and many others have resulted in significant improvements to Virginia’s water quality. The Commonwealth’s successes are the result of the collective effort of the public and private sector and to further the success of the past, this Phase III WIP relies on the continued support and engagement of all these stakeholders in Virginia.

Efforts launched in 2010, when the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released pollution limits for nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment pollution in the Chesapeake Bay. Known as the Total Maximum Daily Load, or TMDL, these are specific estimates of the maximum amount of pollution a body of water listed as officially “impaired” can hold and still meet water quality standards.

CRC News:

Local Government Educational Series:

How Your Watershed Works Power Point slides   July 2021

Foundations of Clean Water Power Point slides    August 2021

Clean Water for the Economy  September 2021

Capitalizing on the Benefits of Trees 4   October 2021

Preserving Local Character and Landscapes 5  November 2021

Protecting Your Infrastructure Through Stormwater Resiliency 6  December 2021


Septic Maintenance Financial Assistance Program  Options : (Amelia, Nottoway & Prince Edward Counties)  (Buckingham & Cumberland Counties)

Commonwealth Regional Council Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) III Report/Resources:

Chesapeake Bay News:

Local Stewardship:

If you have any questions about the local plan, or what you can do to assist the CRC/State of Virginia in the WIP process, contact the CRC’s Executive Director, Melody Foster, at 434-392-6104.